Friday, December 3, 2010

Do you follow multiple blogs?

Do you follow multiple blogs?  Do the posts fill up your inbox?  Have you tried Google Reader?

Google reader lets you subscribe to blogs and read all the posts in one place.  No more blog updates in your inbox (you will have to unsubscribe to make them go away).

Go to .  If you already have a google sign in, that sign in and password should work to get you into their Reader function.  If not, just register with an email address and password.

Once you are in Google Reader, you will see a spot in the top left of the page that says " Add a subscription".  You click on that and it will give you a window to paste the blog address into.  There are different settings for viewing your blogs.  I have mine set to show new postings.  That means whenever I go into my Reader account, on the left side it will only list the blogs I follow that have new postings since the last time I logged in and it also tells me how many new posts each one has.  I just click on the name of the blog I want to scroll through. 

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