About Me

I am a working mom feeding a family of three. At the end of 2009, a dear friend of mine told me she feeds a family of 5 for $75 a week. Well, I just had to know how. It was all in couponing and stockpiling. I began my mission in December 2009 and was in the full swing of it for the 2010 year with a goal to not pay more than 50% of retail by combining sales with coupons. I can happily say that I succeeded in doing so for the 2010 year and my goal for 2011 is to reduce my spending even more. I have a stockpile that could last me 6 months to a year and my average weekly spending for 2010 was $125.00 for everything for my household. That total includes food, paper products, cleaners, health & beauty aids & more. You can do it too!