Tips & Thoughts

I made this page to just jot tips and thoughts down to share about couponing and saving money.  As I add to this page, I will make the most recent posts be first.


Items you should never pay for again:  toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, razors,

Items you should never pay more than $.50 for:  pasta

Items you should never pay more than $1 for (and that is even too much):  cereal, shaving cream, pasta sauce,


Do you buy those helium tanks and balloons for parties?  Have you thought of purchasing it at Michael's and using a 40% or 50% off coupon?  It is the best deal around.  Michael's is great for other household items such as scissors, cake pans and accessories etc.


When you see a deal with a coupon that will make the item free, do you get it even though you won't use it?  Why not?  Get it and donate it.  If you itemize your taxes, you can write it off.


What have you learned that you can or can't freeze?

I learned that you can freeze sour cream but only if your intent is to use it for baking.  When it thaws, the consistency of it changes and it cannot be used for dips.

I learned that when you freeze chunk cheese it does not slice nicely after it thaws.  I found it becomes crumbly.  I have heard of other people freezing shredded cheese but I have not tried that yet.